Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Crusty Crew day 2 and 3

The Crusty Grew has been very busy the last two days. We have been working side by side with the Mobsta Lobsta crew at our house. Or work has included tearing off 6 layers of singles from a roof, taring out insulation and replacing it, painting, hanging, taping, and mudding drywall, hanging drop celing, cutting wood, reinforcing a roof , all of this and we ae still having a great time. Our interaction with our home owner Kathy has been extremely rewarding. We plan on finishing as many of our projects as we can tomorrow on our last work day as well as start and finish a stair repair job in the front of the house. Special thanks to Nicole A. for her help and leadership today on the job site.

1 comment:

  1. Megan on a roof... say it isn't so. Will pray that you get many of your jobs wrapped up tomorrow...GO Mobsta Lobsta's!
